發布日期 :2025-01-07 08:35訪問:1次發布IP:編號:13411096
詳細介紹 BE蓄電池PL12-100閥控式免維護鉛酸蓄電池 澳大利亞BatteryEnergy(BE)電池成立于1987年的全密封免維護鉛酸蓄電池制造公司,研發和生產膠體和普通AGM鉛酸蓄電池數十年。澳大利亞BE蓄電池本部生產廠位于澳大利亞悉尼Fairfield。 目前,BatteryEnergy電池澳大利亞BE蓄電池在市場主要銷售以下兩大系列產品:Energel系列膠體鉛酸蓄電池和Powerlyte系列普通AGM鉛酸蓄電池。Energel系列包括6V&12V的6EG&12EG系列和2V&4V的2EG&4EG系列。Powerlyte系列包括12V的普通型PL系列、12V的PLFT系列以及2V的固定型PXL和PXLT系列。 其他系列:Powerlyte、Energel、Sungel、Railgel、Marinegel、Enerlyte、BE牽引型蓄電池、BE太陽能蓄電池、BE叉車蓄電池等等。 M-SOLAR BATTERY SPECIFICATI
Cell Type Battery Voltage Capacity C100 @ 25°C Battery Dimensions (mm) Approx Mass (kg) Acid Volume per Cell (litres Length Width Height PL12-100 12 100 330 170 210 80.0 5.6 PL12-65 12 65 309 170 210 91.0 6.3 PL12-40 12 40 585 210 445 106.0 6.8 PL12-38 12 38 585 230 445 116.0 7.2 PL12-120 12 120 585 262 445 133.0 8.4 2 MTL 25 S 4 1105 411 262 497 97.0 10.7 2 MTH 27 S 4 1400 415 262 585 120.0 11.3 2 MTE 21 S 4 1445 415 230 735 127.0 13.0 2 MTE 25 S 4 1735 415 262 735 145 14.2 2 MTE 27 S 4 1880 415 262 735 154 15.0 2 MTE 29 S 4 2025 415 262 735 161 14.0 RR SOLAR BATTERY SPECIFICATI*** Recharging the Leisure Battery The batteries are charged at a current equivalent to 0.1 times the capacity expressed in Ampere hours (Ah) for a maximum of 15 hours. (12 - 13 hours would normally be sufficient with a constant current charger, but 15 hours may be necessary with a taper charger.) The duration of the recharge will depend on the extent of the discharge that the battery has experienced. As an example the 50 Ah type RR1 battery that has been utilised for 3 hours for lighting a 100W lamp would have consumed 24.9 Ah and therefore must be charged at 5 Ampere for approximately 6 hours. Battery Details - SMF 100 Commercial "L" - Leisure Range DIN Type - ETN Type Legend FNB Type SMF 100 C20 Ah 102 Length 328 CCA EN Width 171 Weight Kg Height 239 Hold Downs Terminal 1 FNB Type/Legend * Glass Mat Separation E Euro-Kamina Cover F Ford Lug M 1 Plate Less P 1 Plate Extra R Reverse Ratio Plates V 19mm Hold Down Z Glass Mat Separation Legend Key 1 Kamina 2 Magic Eye 3 Handles 3A Post Handle Cover 3B Double Handle 4 Monolid 5 15mm Cover Lip 相關分類 |
產品分類 信息搜索 北京獅克電源科技有限公司-美國邱健蓄電池